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  • Writer's pictureSara Mcdonough

Blog #7

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

  • Physical development is in the left upper corner. I took inspiration from the actual changes that the body of adolescents goes through during this time. They see physical growth in height, but also bodily changes through puberty which can lead to feeling "weird" in your body, and lots of questions about the self. I tried to use this image of a highlighted area around a young boy because this physical growth can at more times than not be uncomfortable.

  • Cognitive development is placed in the upper right hand corner. I focused many of my images around school because in my personal experience that's where my cognitive development was formed the most. I wanted school to be the focus because the ability to learn from peers can be the best way to gather a full well rounded understanding, and during this time of adolescents peer work can be the most supportive while in the classroom. The last thing I included was a side profile of the head, and everything that is accompanied inside because the brain is still going through major development in this stage of life, and to me adolescents are like a sponge soaking in all the knowledge the world has to offer

  • Social development is in the lower left side of my collage. I included pictures with the idea of interactions like sports, or clubs, and working together in a classroom. Most if not all my friends growing up went to my same school making it so I would practice social develop with the same people almost all throughout adolescents. I think participating within any after school or out of school activities only help to grow those personal skills for social development. I also wanted to include a picture relating to the pandemic because that's shows the minimal amount of person- to- person connection time we've recently had which can be especially hard during young adulthood. Lastly I also included a nod to technology and the influence it has over our social interaction, most kids now would rather chat online, and I can't blame them after the last few years. We have however, adapted to also use this technology for good with students, and their interactions online for assignments.

  • Finally emotional development is in the lower right hand side of my collage. I wanted to demonstrate the variety of emotions that an adolescent goes through sometimes on a day- to- day basis. There's so much going on in their head because around this time introspection can weigh heavily on a child's mind, and emotional state. There is also still room to grow emotionally, and they haven't quite figured it out just yet, so I wanted to show all sides to what in feels like to be a young adolescent with this.

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2 comentários

Kathleen Levins
Kathleen Levins
15 de out. de 2021

I really love how you put together your pictures. I think presentation is really important in getting your message across. I really liked your pictures for social development. I agree that clubs and after school activities are really important for students to participate in. In middle school, it's easy to feel like you don't belong or fit in, which is why these clubs and activities are so important. I learned in my EAF class that this is one of the reasons low income students have lower self esteem, because they don't have as many clubs and activities offered at their school. Do you have any ideas of different ways children can get a sense of belonging and advance socially without…


Kayla McNamara
Kayla McNamara
15 de out. de 2021

I really like the collage you put together and how they all fit in. I like that your can see all the pictures in one place. I think you chose an excellent photo for physical development and growth spurts. It shows that at this age people are all different heights because some develop earlier or later than others. I also like how you used a photo during sports for social development because I made multiple friends through my different sports teams and it gives you a great way to communicate with others while staying in shape.

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