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  • Writer's pictureSara Mcdonough

Blog Post #13

Teaching Platform: This I believe

My idea of what teaching entails has changed dramatically since the beginning of this semester. I think I had started with a grasp of what entails with being an educator, but I now feel I have solid roots in place to continue finding my way with education. I want to become a teacher who is present for their students who wants to fight for them, their success, and learning. I think this semester has opened my eyes more on the lack of inclusion students have felt in the classroom for years in education, and I want changing that narrative to remain a focus for myself going forward. I believe that as educators the task at hand is a tall one, however, I think school is in place to help create well rounded individuals sometimes it just lacks focus on the learner. I want my classroom to be warm, comfortable, powerful, and maybe a little crazy because I know middle school can be, overall, I believe that students need someone to listen to them and I want to be that person.

In middle level students are going through what can be chalked up to a ton of very drastic changes. They are developing physically, emotionally, cognitively, and socially while all still trying to turn in their homework on time. For myself middle school was a very trying time, and I never felt like I was comfortable, and I want to be able to ensure my future students will not feel that way. To paint a picture a learner is exactly like any plant, to succeed and grow you must water, and care for it. I believe the same can be thought of when looking at students, and that’s the approach I want to take with them. I think an adult that is present and willing to also put in the work to help them maybe understand themselves or the world a little better is what students need. A learner is an active participant, but also should be the focus within the classroom. I know the typical classroom has not been as student centered as it might need to be, so I think changing the dynamic, and allowing for students to be in focus is a great step. Also having students be inquirers and challenge their learning as it’s happening,

I think I am still finding the best ways in which I expect my students to demonstrate how they are learning or their abilities. I think the nature of their work should feel it has importance, and not just to the curriculum but to the students, our society, and their communities. From their work they are not only supposed to be learning some type of lesson, but they should feel like what they do is significant. My most stubborn roadblock for myself is curriculum because I don’t what exactly what to expect despite some of the common standards. I do believe that all school is should not be standard curriculum based because it loses the students in the process. I think the biggest take away I have had is although curriculum might be very structured that the learning can still happen with some small shifts or tweaks to the requirements. I want to be able to ensure that my students can still see a purpose to what they are learning, and that it can still be centered around them, or with them in mind. I think the interdisciplinary curriculum approach where there is movement, but also flow to the lessons is what will be best for the students, and specially the middle school.

I think in my learning so far, I want to be a teacher with the pedagogy in mind of student center/ personalized, inquiry based, but also socially mobile which is a lot, but I don’t believe one will ever be enough. I do believe that I will have ample opportunity to change this perspective, but for right now I think this is what my students will need, and where I believe I can perform at the best of my ability. I do know that this is going to be subject to change depending on where I teach, and to whom but I think as the basis it is a good place to start. In my experience within Chicago public schools the school climate can be a little intense, but also oddly laid back. There are some wants to go back to that school climate, although I feel there is more to be done to create more inclusive, culturally responsive middle school model within that area. I think I would prefer to be anywhere which might be premature, but I truly am excited for any experience, and know I will have something to gain. I think the preferred climate would just be one that is malleable, and where there is an ability to help and facilitate students.

I am someone who believes that you can never stop learning, or never should try to. I believe that socially students in the middle level need to be in school because they still need to be managed at this stage in life. Also, that they need to continue to learn because society does not allow much else for them to do on their own, so taking participation in their learning is time well spent. I think that from school students will be able to learn how to fit in within society, but also more about it so they can continue to work within it.

Finally, I believe this semester has done a lot to help shape my idea of who I will be as a =n educator, but also what to expect of my future students. Going forward I hope to be able to take all that I have learned and effectively apply it to my continued studies, future work with students, and time within classrooms.

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