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  • Writer's pictureSara Mcdonough

Blog Post #9


Thoughts: Seeing these theories I keep thinking about more ways to improve what my ideal classroom looks like in my head. I think that most of these theories are going to be very useful to have in my toolbox going into teaching.

Questions: These theories have been around for decades, what approach to education can we take that might differ from these theories and the projected outcomes? Where are they lacking the most it's just to focus on what we can achieve, but what are students maybe missing?

Epiphanies: I wish there was a way to almost combine some portions of these theories together because there is not just one way that to approach learning in a classroom. I guess that I will be the one to create an over arching theory that draws on some very important aspects in all the others like collage of them if you will. From this assignment I'm feeling more proactive to continue to learn how to be an informed and well rounded educator.

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Myles Miller IV
Myles Miller IV
Oct 27, 2021

I really enjoyed how you decided to make your graphic organizer in a different format than most other people did! After taking some time to read and reread certain parts, you included some great takeaways from each topic. The only criticism I have about this layout of the learning theories is that at times it was hard to make sense of what I was reading and where a similar piece of information laid in each other theory. I eventually found what I was looking for, but labeling the information in some way like you did in some of your sections would be more helpful to people to make sense of your information!


Emma Quaid
Emma Quaid
Oct 18, 2021

Hi Sara! I love your website! It is so neat, organized, and put-together. i really like the way that you designed your learning theories graphic organizer. It really lays the main theories out and helps explain them in simple terms. I think that a lot of times, it can be hard to understadn certain topics because there is so much to take it at one time. Your chart really healps break each theory down and explain it well.

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