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  • Writer's pictureSara Mcdonough

Blog Post #2

Updated: Sep 9, 2021

My Teaching Platform:

The purpose of schooling:

  • To help create a well rounded individual within a community, and supporting one another.

  • To help grow knowledge, experience learning, and open up new opportunities.

The nature and substance of student work:

  • Student work should push students to help promote themselves

  • I believe students should be given the chance to work independently and with others

  • I believe students should be the main focus in their education

The image of a teacher:

  • I believe a teacher should provide a resource to all students in a classroom in the best ways that they can.

  • I believe a teacher is responsible for trying to facilitate learning for their students

  • A believe a teacher is responsible for change

  • I believe a teacher is also a leader, and still a learner

The image of the curriculum:

  • I believe curriculum should push students in their studies, but not drill them

  • I believe the curriculum should be flexible

  • I think the curriculum should be used as a reference and not limit

The social significance of student learning:

  • I believe learning can provide a new or different perspective

  • I believe students need to be exposed to outside cultures

  • I believe learning help to guide students to a path or plan for life

  • I believe learning can provide skills to help with the social development of students

The preferred school environment:

  • I believe the school should be a safe space for all students

  • I believe school should be a welcoming community

  • I believe school should be a place that makes students excited to learn and want to be there

  • I believe school should be a place where we are all respectful of others and respected

  • I believe school should be filled with people who are passionate about understanding more

The image of the learner:

  • I believe the learner is capable

  • I believe the learner is like a sponge ready to soak up information

  • I believe the learner will need to have an exchange in giving and getting information

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1 Comment

Myles Miller IV
Myles Miller IV
Oct 27, 2021

Seeing how you laid out your teaching "mission statements" in different sections with a header at each section, I feel like this was the best way to make such a thing. This is because it would be easy to look back on and realize weather you're staying true to your word as a teacher or not through the things you do for your classroom and your students. You could even post something like this publicly for your students/coworkers to see and be accepting of feedback from others on weather they think you're staying true to what you want to achieve as a teacher. This can lead to great discussions, and if they're with your students this is an easy way…

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